

            为了方便大家备考研究生,本文整理分享 “复试英语口语导师常问的30个问题” 相关内容,一起来看~

    1. Where are you come from?

    3. What do you do during the Spring Festival?

    5. Could you tell me something about your family?

    7. Which kind of professor do you like best?

    9. What is your major? How do you like your major?

    11. What impressed you most when you were at university?

    13. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?

    15. What are your job prospects?

    17. What are your spare time interests?

    19. What kind of differences in the system of higher education between China and other countries?

    21. What difficulties do you think you'll encounter in your studies?

    23. If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?

    25. What do you intend to do after you finish studying?

    27. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?

    29. How do you afford your tuition?


            以上是黑龙江文都为大家准备整理的 “复试英语口语导师常问的30个问题” 。更多考研免费复习资料、考研分数线等内容欢迎访问黑龙江文都研究生信息网,或直接咨询老师。

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